Downtown Taylorsville
Town of Taylorsville shows gratitude to
our National Guard & Servicemen

September 2, 2003


To Honor

WHEREAS, The governing body of the Town of Taylorsville and all citizens represented within the municipal boundary contained therein wish to convey their deepest gratitude to all service men and women called to action in regards to Operation Nobel Eagle, and continuing operations around the globe;

WHEREAS, Many professional service men and women from the Town of Taylorsville and Alexander County headed the call to arms in support of our constitution, our President George W. Bush, and the citizens of a free nation;

WHEREAS, The commitment of these professionals, and the sacrifices of family and loved ones are duly noted;

WHEREAS, By the call to Arm's by our Commander in Chief, created a chain of events that ensured the defense of our homeland and caused the liberation of a people, oppressed by fear, deprived of basic rights, to be delivered from tyranny;

WHEREAS, The 505th Engineer Battalion National Guard based in Taylorsville, North Carolina represented the largest deployment of professional solders from said municipality;

WHEREAS, Many professional soldiers enlisted with other Armed Service branches, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and Air Force also call Taylorsville, North Carolina their hometown;

WHEREAS, Many service men and women, families, and loved ones are proud to call Taylorsville, North Carolina, located in the county of Alexander their hometown;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the governing body of the Town of Taylorsville and the citizens residing therein do hereby state the following, by your actions as professional soldiers of the 505th Army National Guard, and other Military Personnel hailing from our hometown you have upheld and protected the following:

  • The Constitution of the United States of America
    The honor and memory of all other professional service men and women who have defended the nation from perils both foreign and domestic
    The integrity of a nation
    The freedom of the oppressed
    The blessings of liberty
  • The welfare of many hometowns including Taylorsville

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that September 11, 2003 is Patriot's Day, and therefore we convey our sincere gratitude to all American Patriots.

Adopted September 2nd, 2003

Guy E. Barriger, Mayor