a stroll around Matheson
Park ...
your picnic lunch and relax under one of the many shade trees that
line the banks of the small creek that meanders through Matheson Park.

seven-acre family park is complete with swings and play equipment
for the children, cookout facilities & sheltered eating areas,
restrooms, volleyball area and 2,000 foot walking trail.
This beautiful park is located between 3rd Avenue & 1st Street and is within walking distance of the town and provides a wonderful escape from a busy day.
There are various public activities planned for the park throughout the year including an Easter Egg Hunt and Arbor Day celebration. Be sure to check out our Events section for all the details.Matheson Park opened in the Summer of 1998 and is named for Carl Matheson, Sr. a lifelong resident of Taylorsville who was an educator in our schools and a businessman. The land for Matheson Park was donated by Carl Matheson, Jr. in memory of his father.Reservations for the sheltered cookout & eating areas may be made by families or groups. There is a $20 charge for large shelters and small shelters are first come first serve. Anyone wanting to make a reservation should come by Town Hall to make them. No refunds are given, but you may reschedule a rain date within 10 days of your original reservation. In addition to Matheson Park which is maintained by the Town of Taylorsville, there are five public parks within the county park system:
- Town Park East Alexander Park Taylorsville Jaycee Park Gwaltneys Ballfield
- Bethlehem Community Park
Some offer tennis courts, lighted ballfields, picnic areas, basketball & volleyball courts, lighted walking tracks and horseshoe pits.
Arbor Day, October 28, 2000, the Town of Taylorsville along with
many residents & town officials celebrated Matheson Park Dedication

Click to view a slide show of photos
taken during the Dedication Ceremony.
Dedication Ceremony began with words of welcome by Mayor Glenn Deal
and a prayer by Rev. Roger Underwood. Following these opening words
was the Presentation of Colors, Pledge of Allegiance and National
Anthem. Activities
included music by the Alexander Central Band, songs by the Alexander
Central Chorus and poems, essays & artwork by Sugar Loaf students.
Remarks of remembrance for Carl Matheson, Sr.were made by Mayor
Glenn Deal, Carl Matheson, Jr., our Town Councilmen & other guests.
ceremony concluded with the planting of trees by the Matheson Family & Sugar
Loaf students and afterward everyone was treated to hot dogs & drinks
provided by the Town Council.