the Lucas Mansion...
Hiddenite Center's Lucas Mansion is a restored three-story turn-of-the-century
Victorian house once owned by James Lucas, known as "Diamond
Jim" Lucas. Step back in time as you enter the first floor of
the home, restored to capture the era when Diamond Jim occupied the
Lucas House was built around 1900 in the Victorian style and two stories
tall. Around 1915 the house was enlarged. It was horizontally cut
in half and the second story lifted up to become the third story
and a second story was built between the two original floors!
house had its own electrical power generation plant, water system,
bell system & fire extinguisher system.
Paul Lucas bought the house to use as a second home. He lived up
North, but came to the Hiddenite area to hunt.
second floor gallery of the Lucas Mansion features changing exhibits
of art and history.
the third floor, visitors are fascinated by the magnificent doll
collection dating from the 1800s on loan from the center's founder,
Mrs. Eileen L. Sharpe. There are approximately 550 dolls dating from
pre-civil war to the present. Visitors also enjoy the local gem and
mineral collection.